Food Listening
Food Reading
FruitVegetables_A1_Reading_tick and cross what he likes and dislikes And You
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Reading /by Ana FortesFruitVegetables_A1_Reading_tick and cross likes and dislikes David&Emma
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Reading /by Ana FortesFruitVegetables_A1_Reading_read tick the best answer
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Reading /by Ana FortesFood Speaking
FruitVegetables_A1_Speaking_soup & fruit salad
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Speaking /by Ana FortesFruitVegetables_A1_Speaking_do you like+short answers
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Speaking /by Ana FortesFood Vocabulary
FruitVegetables_A1_Vocabulary.Grammar_write match
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Vocabulary /by Ana FortesFruitVegetables_A1_Vocabulary.Grammar_unscramble answer
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Vocabulary /by Ana FortesFruitVegetables_A1_Vocabulary.Grammar_like-don’t like Circle&Write And You
/0 Comments/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Vocabulary /by Ana FortesFruitVegetables_A1_Vocabulary.Grammar_do you like… fill + circle the short answer And You.
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Vocabulary /by Ana FortesFruitVegetables_A1_Vocabulary_label put in the correct column
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Vocabulary /by Ana FortesFood Writing
FruitVegetables_A1_Writing_What I like and don’t like_Faces_And You
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Writing /by Ana FortesFruitVegetables_A1_Writing_order questions + short answers.
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Writing /by Ana FortesFruitVegetables_A1_Writing_likes&dislikes_Look complete and write (Jason.Sue) And You.
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Writing /by Ana FortesFruitVegetables_A1_Writing_likes&dislikes_Look and write (boy) And You
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Writing /by Ana FortesFruitVegetables_A1_Writing_fruits& vegetables I like and don’t like draw and write
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Writing /by Ana Fortes
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FruitVegetables_A1_Listening_tick and cross likes and dislikes
/0 Comments/in Food, Food A1 Exams, Listening /by Ana FortesFruitVegetables_A1_Listening_tick
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Listening /by Ana FortesFruitVegetables_A1_Listening_number
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Listening /by Ana FortesFruitVegetables_A1_Listening_match
/in Food, Food A1 Exams, Listening /by Ana FortesFruitVegetables_A1_Listening_colour
/in Exams, Food, Food A1 Exams, Listening /by Ana Fortes